About Me
I am a Backend Developer with a passion for building robust and efficient systems. Skilled in Python, Flask, and JavaScript, I enjoy working on backend technologies and collaborating with teams to deliver exceptional solutions.
Quiz App
A full-stack quiz app developed with Flask and JavaScript. It features a user-friendly interface for answering quiz questions, along with real-time feedback.
View on GitHubBlog Post App
A blogging platform where users can create, edit, and delete posts. Backend powered by Flask, with responsive frontend using JavaScript and Bootstrap.
View on GitHubWeather App
A weather forecast app using APIs to display real-time weather information.
View on GitHubData Visualization App
A data visualization dashboard built with Plotly.js, Python, and JavaScript for creating interactive visualizations.
View on GitHubSkills
SQL & Databases
Bash Scripting
Let's work together...
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